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At the Wendy Morton Academy of Dance, we take pride in our appearance and we have a strict uniform that should be adhered to at all times. Correct dance shoes should be worn by all students whilst attending classes. Also please ensure children are always wearing socks or tights inside their shoes to avoid injury.


The uniform colours are black and white. We have a range of Academy uniform available to purchase directly from the studio. The range includes;

  • Branded leotard

  • Branded crop top

  • Jacket

  • T-shirt

  • Leggings

  • Jumper

  • Joggers (not to be worn in class)

  • Holdall bags


Information on prices and sizes are available on the notice board at the studio.


Hair MUST be tied back at all times and is preferred in a bun for ballet and acrobatics classes. The academy has the right to refuse admission to anybody not suitably dressed for class.


Please note, the uniform policy is in place for student and staff safety purposes to reduce the risk of injury.

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Examination Uniform

Rose Awards & Mime Awards

Boys - black t-shirt (plain or with Academy logo), black jazz flares or cycling shorts, black socks, black tap shoes or ballet shoes

Girls - Academy or plain black leotard, black circular skirt, white ankle socks, white ballet shoes or black tap shoes




Preparatory - Introduction to Grade 1 - black t-shirt (plain black or with Academy logo), black cycling shorts, black ballet shoes and ankle socks

Grade 1 onwards - Black ballet tights, black vest top or white leotard, black ballet shoes


Preparatory & Primary - Academy or plain black leotard, black circular skirt, white ballet shoes, white ankle socks

Introduction to Grade 1 - Grade 3 - Academy or plain black leotard, white ballet tights, white ballet shoes, white waistband

Grade 4 - Grade 5 - Academy or plain black leotard, white or pink ballet shoes, pink or white ballet tights, white waistband

Grade 6 - Grade 8 - Academy or plain black leotard, pink ballet shoes with ribbons, pink or white ballet tights, white waistband

Vocational Exams - Academy or plain black leotard, demi-pointe shoes, pink or white ballet tights, white waitband, pointe shoes



Boys - black t-shirt (plain or with Academy logo), black jazz flares, black tap shoes, black socks

Girls - Academy or plain black leotard, Academy or plain black black stirrup leggings, white waistband, black tap shoes, black socks


Modern Jazz

Boys - black t-shirt (plain or with Academy logo), black cycling shorts, bare feet, black jazz shoes and black socks from grade 1

Girls - Academy or plain black leotard, Academy or plain black stirrup leggings, white waistband, bare feet for Prep & Primary, black jazz shoes and black socks from grade 1



Boys - black t-shirt or vest top (plain or with Academy logo), black cycling shorts, bare feet

Girls - Academy or plain black leotard, black lyrical skirt, bare feet (no tights or foot thongs, please)



Boys - black t-shirt or vest top (plain black or with Academy logo), black cycling shorts, bare feet

Girls - Academy or plain black leotard, Academy or plain black stirrup leggings, white waistband, bare feet


Medal Tests

Appropriate costume to be worn for medals with hair to suit (no fringes, hair must be off the face). Make-up should be worn for medal tests.


Modelling/Performing Arts/Singing

Please see the notice board or speak to one of the teaching staff


General grooming requirements

For all examinations, hair must be neatly groomed in a bun. Please ensure this is done before arriving at the studio for exams, as there will not be anyone available to do hair for students. No make up, nail varnish or jewellery should be worn in any examination. Please also ensure uniform and shoes are clean and tidy.



If you have any queries regarding examinations and the uniform required, please speak to a member of the teaching staff who will be happy to advise.

©2019 Wendy Morton Academy Of Dance​

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