Festival Results:
Atherstone Dance Festival March 2020:
1st Place:
Ellie Butterworth – Acro
Kiera Wilkinson – Ballet
Mitchell Oram - Lyrical
Jorgia Downing & Ellie Butterworth – Tap
Mitchell Oram & Kiera Wilkinson – Lyrical
Mitchell Oram & Kiera Wilkinson – Classical
Erin Duffield, Olivia-Mae Grant & Noah Peters – Modern
Erin Duffield, Evie Hart & Lola Sheedy – Tap
Abbie Taylor, Farrah Palmer & Gemma Penwill - Modern
Baggy Trousers – Inter Musical Theatre Troupe
2nd Place:
Tilly Ward – Ballet
Ellie Butterworth – Ballet
Ellie Butterworth – Modern
Melody Cunningham – Tap
Noah Peters – Ballet
Yasmine Mortiboys – Lyrical
Sophie Atkins - Ballet
Abbie Taylor, Farrah Palmer & Gemma Penwill – Tap
Erin Duffield, Olivia-Mae Grant & Lola Sheedy – Song & Dance
Jorgia Downing, Ellie Butterworth & Sophia Pipe - Lyrical
Russian Princess - Inter Classical Troupe
3rd Place:
Ellie Butterworth – Tap
Sophia Pipe – Character
Sophie Atkins – Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys – Ballet
Jessica Mills – Tap
Jessica Mills – Modern
Esther Barnett – Tap
Esther Barnett - Lyrical
Erin Duffield & Olivia-Mae Grant - Lyrical
Lucy Saunders & Jessica Mills – Tap
Abbie Taylor & Gemma Penwill – Lyrical
Abbie Taylor & Gemma Penwill – Classical
Tilly Ward & Ayda Hancocks – Tap
Melody Cunningham & Madeleine Dittman – Modern
Georgie Matthews & Leah Cheshire – Song & Dance
Sophie Atkins & Erin Grimes – Modern
Connie Mortiboy, Milly Chapman & Erin Grimes - Lyrical
Waltz of The Flowers – Junior Classical Troupe
Lost Boy – Junior Lyrical Troupe
So She Dances – Inter Lyrical Troupe
Arabian – Senior Classical Troupe
Tamworth Dance Festival September 2019:
1st Place:
Ellie Butterworth – Lyrical
Evie Hart – Tap
Freya Douglas – Ballet
Maya Butterworth – Lyrical
Sophia Pipe – Character
Yasmine Mortiboys – Ballet
Yasmine Mortiboys - Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth, Jorgia Downing & Sophia Pipe – Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth & Jorgia Downing – Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth & Jorgia Downing – Tap
Erin Duffield & Lola Sheedy – Modern
Erin Duffield, Olivia-Mae Grant & Noah Peters – Modern
Baggy Trousers – Inter Musical Theatre Troupe
Lost Boy – Junior Lyrical Troupe
Mary Poppins – Junior Modern Troupe
Top Hat – Senior Tap Troupe
Two Tones – Inter Tap Troupe
Waltz of The Flowers – Junior Classical Troupe
2nd Place:
Beatrix Oldham – Ballet
Erin Duffield – Lyrical
Esther Barnett – Tap
Freya Douglas – Lyrical
Imogen Jenkinson – Modern
Jorgia Downing – Tap
Melody Cunningham – Character
Noah Peters – Ballet
Sophie Atkins – Lyrical
Tilly Ward - Ballet
Beatrix Oldham & Jessica Mills – Modern
Connie Mortiboy, Milly Chapman & Erin Grimes – Lyrical
Erin Duffield & Olivia-Mae Grant – Lyrical
Erin Grimes & Madeleine Dittman – Lyrical
Erin Grimes & Sophie Atkins – Modern
Farrah Palmer & Lilly McIntyre – Song & Dance
Noah Peters & Olivia-Mae Grant - Modern
How to Fall In Love – Senior Modern Troupe
One – Junior Tap Troupe
Russian Princess – Inter Classical Troupe
3rd Place:
Abbie Taylor – Ballet
Connie Mortiboy – Ballet
Ellie Butterworth – Ballet
Ellie Butterworth – Tap
Erin Duffield – Character
Esther Barnett – Lyrical
Freya Douglas – Tap
Gemma Penwill – Tap
Jessica Mills – Tap
Lilly McIntyre – Song & Dance
Sophie Atkins – Modern
Tara McIntyre - Acro
Abbie Taylor, Gemma Penwill & Farrah Palmer – Modern
Abbie Taylor, Gemma Penwill & Farrah Palmer – Tap
Connie Mortiboy & Sophie Atkins – Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth & Jorgia Downing – Modern
Jessica Mills & Lucy Saunders – Tap
Jorgia Downing & Sophia Pipe – Modern
Melody Cunningham & Yasmine Mortiboys – Tap
​Arabian – Senior Classical Troupe
Dear Future Husband – Junior Modern Troupe
You Can’t Stop The Beat – Inter Modern Troupe
When You’re Gone – Senior Lyrical Troupe
Championship Results & Awards:
Ellie Butterworth – Inter Solo Championship Winner
Yasmine Mortiboys – Senior Solo Championships 2nd Place
Erin Duffield, Noah Peters & Olivia-Mae Grant – Junihor Duet/Trio Championships 3rd Place
Ellie Butterworth & Jorgia Downing – Inter Duet/Trio Championship Winners
Ellie Butterworth, Jorgia Downing & Sophia Pipe – Inter Duet/Trio Championships 3rd Place
Noah Peters – Most Promising Junior
Teachers Classical Award
Nuneaton Festival of Arts May 2019:
1st Place
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Mitchell Oram & Kiera Wilkinson - Cabaret
2nd Place
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Kiera Wilkinson - Contemporary
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
3rd Place
Eva Griffiths - Lyrical
Jorgia Downing - Modern
Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Melody Cunningham - Song & Dance
Yasmine Mortiboys - Lyrical
Grace Wilson - Hart & Levy Award
Grace Wilson - Tinhatters Trophy
Mitchell Oram & Kiera Wilkinson - Valerie Hughes Trophy (Highest Mark Inter Cabaret Duet)
ADF March 2019:
1st Place
Eva Griffiths - Ballet
Eva Griffiths - Lyrical
Erin Duffield - Lyrical
Tara McIntyre - Acro
Imogen Jenkinson - Tap
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Sophia Pipe - Character
Jorgia Downing - Lyrical
Connie Mortiboy - Ballet
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Farrah Palmer - Ballet
Farrah Palmer - Modern
Lauren Boyle - Lyrical
Kiera Godderidge, Neve Miller & Sophie East - Song & Dance
Erin Duffield & Olivia-Mae Grant - Lyrical
Melody Cunningham & Yasmine Mortiboys - Tap
Abbie Taylor, Lauren Boyle & Farrah Palmer - Modern
Farrah Palmer & Lilly McIntyre - Song & Dance
Abbie Taylor & Gemma Penwill - Tap
Abbie Taylor, Farrah Palmer & Gemma Penwill - Tap
Lost Boy - Junior Lyrical Troupe
Mary Poppins - Junior Cabaret Troupe
Waltz of the Flowers - Junior Classical Troupe
Top Hat - Senior Tap Troupe
When You're Gone - Senior Lyrical Troupe
2nd Place
Olivia-Mae Grant - Acro
Noah Peters - Ballet
Erin Duffield - Character
Yasmine Mortiboys - Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys - Modern
Madeleine Dittman - Modern
Connie Mortiboy - Tap
Gemma Penwill - Lyrical
Farrah Palmer - Lyrical
Farrah Palmer - Tap
Ellie Butterworth & Jorgia Downing - Tap
Farrah Palmer & Grace Wilson - Lyrical
One - Junior Cabaret Troupe
Russian Princess - Inter Classical Troupe
Two Tones - Inter Cabaret Troupe
You Can't Stop the Beat - Inter Cabaret Troupe
Arabian - Senior Classical Troupe
3rd Place
Tilly Ward - Ballet
Evie Hart - Tap
Imogen Jenkinson - Ballet
Ellie Butterworth - Acro
Beatrix Oldham - Lyrical
Sophia Pipe - Lyrical
Beatrix Oldham - Modern
Ellie Butterworth - Tap
Abbie Taylor - Ballet
Isabel Stockton - Lyrical
Isabel Stockton - Modern
Gemma Penwill - Tap
Noah Peters & Olivia-Mae Grant - Modern
Erin Grimes & Sophie Atkins - Modern
Farrah Palmer & Gemma Penwill - Classical
Abbie Taylor & Lauren Boyle - Modern
How to Fall in Love - Senior Modern Troupe
Championship Entrants:
Eva Griffiths - Ballet
Eva Griffiths - Lyrical - WINNER
Tara McIntyre - Acro - RUNNER UP
Erin Duffield - Lyrical
Imogen Jenkinson - Tap
Olivia-Mae Grant - Acro
Noah Peters - Ballet
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Grace Wilson - Lyrical - RUNNER UP
Farrah Palmer - Ballet
Farrah Palmer - Modern - RUNNER UP
Tamworth Dance Festival September 2018:
1st Place
Lauren Boyle - Acro
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Ellie Butterworth - Acro
Ellie Butterworth/Jorgia Downing - Modern
Russian Princess - Inter Classical Troupe
2nd Place
Olivia Hardy - Ballet
Noah Peters - Ballet
Bea Oldham - Lyrical
Abbie Taylor - Ballet
Erin Duffield - Lyrical
Lauren Boyle - Lyrical
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Freya Douglas - Lyrical
Grace Wilson - Modern
Ellie Butterworth - Tap
Connie Mortiboy - Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth - Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Noah Peters/Olivia-Mae Grant - Modern
Jorgia Downing/Ellie Butterworth - Tap
Gemma Penwill/Farrah Palmer - Classical
Jorgia Downing/Ellie Butterworth - Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys/Melody Cunningham - Tap
Gemma Penwill/Farrah Palmer/Abbie Taylor - Tap
One - Junior Tap Troupe
Arabian - Senior Classical Troupe
Say You Love Me - Inter Lyrical Troupe
Waltz of the Flowers - Junior Classical Troupe
3rd Place
Freya Douglas - Tap
Farrah Palmer - Tap
Sophia Pipe - Lyrical
Eva Griffiths - Ballet
Abbie Taylor - Lyrical
Eva Griffiths - Lyrical
Lauren Boyle - Modern
Farrah Palmer - Ballet
Farrah Palmer - Lyrical
Lucy Saunders - Lyrical
Connie Mortiboy - Ballet
Becca Higginson - Modern
Isabel Stockton - Modern
Madeleine Dittman - Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys - Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys - Modern
Melody Cunningham - Character
Erin Duffield/Evie Hart - Modern
Sophia Pipe/Olivia Hardy - Lyrical
Abbie Taylor/Gemma Penwill - Tap
Sophia Pipe/Jorgia Downing - Modern
Leah Cheshire/Eva Griffiths/Tilly Ward - Song & Dance
Ellie Butterworth/Jorgia Downing/Sophia Pipe - Modern
Top Hat - Senior Tap Troupe
Dholna - Senior Modern Troupe
Lost Boy - Junior Lyrical Troupe
Uninvited - Senior Lyrical Troupe
Step In Time - Junior Modern Troupe
You Can’t Stop The Beat - Inter Modern Troupe
North Leicestershire Festival June 2018:​
1st Place
Demi Stringer - Ballet
Demi Stringer - Modern
Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Lucy Stringer - Modern
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Demi Stringer/Tara McIntyre - Acro
2nd Place
Lucy Stringer - Lyrical
Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram - Ballet
Yasmine Mortiboys - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
3rd Place
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys - Modern
Tara McIntyre - Acro
ADF March 2018:
Lucy Stringer - Junior Solo Championship Runner Up​
Ellie Butterworth/Demi Stringer - Junior Duet Championship Winners​
Mitchell Oram - Inter Solo Championship Runner Up​
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Inter Duet Championship Winners
Steps Dance Festival June 2017:
1st Place
Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Mitchell Oram - Acro
Mitchell Oram - Lyrical
Tara McIntyre - Acro
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
2nd Place
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Grace Wilson - Modern
Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Mitchell Oram - Ballet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
3rd Place
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram - Modern
Kiera Wilkinson - Inter Classical Award
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Best Inter Duet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Best Partnership
BTDA May 2017:
1st Place
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Mitchell Oram - Ballet
Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
2nd Place
Demi Stringer - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram - Modern
Tallulah Cross - Ballet
Lucy Stringer - Modern
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Mitchell Oram - Lyrical
Farrah Palmer/Lilly McIntyre - Song & Dance
Waltz Of The Flowers - Junior Classical Troupe
Russian Princess - Inter Classical Troupe
3rd Place
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Tara McIntrye - Acro
4th Place
Mitchell Oram - Tap
Jorgia Downing - Tap
Grace Wilson - Modern
Eva Griffiths - Ballet
Demi Stringer - Ballet
Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Jorgia Downing/Lilly-May Tunnicliffe - Tap
Farrah Palmer - Inter Classical Solo - 3rd Place
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Highest Mark Ballet Duet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Highest Mark Modern Duet
ADF March 2017:
1st Place
Demi Stringer - Lyrical
Evie Hart - Song & Dance
Farrah Palmer - Ballet
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Lauren Boyle - Acro
Sophie Currie - Tap
Maya Butterworth/Lucy Stringer - Modern
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Tallulah Cross/Libby Garrett - Tap
Ellie Butterworth/Jorgia Downing/Lilly-May Tunnicliffe - Tap
Waltz Of The Flowers - Junior Classical Troupe
2nd Place
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram - Modern
Mitchell Oram - Lyrical
Sophie Currie - Acro
Tallulah Cross - Tap
Tara McIntyre - Acro
Demi Stringer/Layla James - Tap
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Tallulah Cross/Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Cery Pearce/Ellie Barnes/Lauren Boyle - Tap
Favourite Things - Junior Lyrical Troupe
3rd Place
Demi Stringer - Modern
Ellie Butterworth - Tap
Lucy Stringer - Modern
Mitchell Oram - Acro
Mitchell Oram - Ballet
Rebecca Higginson - Lyrical
Sophie Currie - Modern​
Tallulah Cross - Lyrical
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Yasmine Mortiboys - Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth/Jorgia Downing - Acro
Lilly-May Tunnicliffe/Jorgia Downing - Tap
Melody Cunningham/Fiona Hart - Lyrical
Oliver Timberlake/Noah Peters - Modern
Chloe Treharne/Jade Noyon/Maddie Bates - Lyrical
Melody Cunningham/Fiona Hart/Yasmine Mortiboys - Song & Dance
Russian Princess - Inter Classical Troupe
Say You Love Me - Inter Lyrical Troupe
Steps Dance Festival September 2016:
1st Place
Abigail Finch-Haywood - Lyrical
Cerys Pearce - Character
Connie Mortiboy - Modern
Ellie Barnes - Ballet
Ellie Butterworth - Tap
Evie Campbell - Song & Dance
Evie Hart - Song & Dance
Isabel Stockton - Modern
Issie Wood - Ballet
Jorgia Downing - Modern
Kadie McCabe - Lyrical
Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Kiera Wilkinson - Tap
Lauren Chapman - Ballet
Melody Cunningham - Character
Mitchell Oram - Acro
Mitchell Oram - Lyrical
Sophie Currie - Modern
Tallulah Cross - Ballet
Tallulah Cross - Lyrical
Tallulah Cross - Modern
Tallulah Cross - Song & Dance
Farrah Palmer/Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Gemma Penwill/Isabel Stockton - Modern
Grace Wilson/Issie Wood - Modern
Lauren Chapman/Sophie Currie - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Ballet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Tallulah Cross/Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson/Grace Wilson - Modern
Little Miss and Mr Ballet - Baby Song & Dance Troupe
Russian Princess - Inter Classical Troupe
Waltz Of The Flowers - Junior Classical Troupe
2nd Place
Demi Stringer - Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth - Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth - Modern
Freya Douglas - Ballet
Freya Douglas - Tap
Gemma Penwill - Lyrical
Grace Wilson - Ballet
Issie Wood - Acro
Issie Wood - Lyrical
Issie Wood - Tap
Kadie McCabe - Ballet
Keira James - Modern
Mitchell Oram - Ballet
Mitchell Oram - Modern
Sophie Currie - Acro
Victoria Haywood - Modern
Yasmine Mortiboys - Ballet
Rebecca Higginson/Issie Wood - Lyrical
Fiona Hart/Keira James - Tap
Jorgia Downing/Ellie Butterworth - Acro
Jorgia Downing/Ellie Butterworth - Modern
Lucy Stringer/Maya Butterworth - Modern
Melody Cunningham/Fiona Hart - Lyrical
Ellie Butterworth/Jorgia Downing/Lilly-May Tunnicliffe - Tap
All for One - Baby Cabaret Troupe
Boy Does Nothing - Inter Cabaret Troupe
Dholna - Senior Cabaret Troupe
Irish - Senior Tap Troupe
Marjaani - Junior Cabaret Troupe
Rockin Robin - Junior Tap Troupe
Say You Love Me - Inter Lyrical Troupe
3rd Place
Cerys Pearce - Tap
Connie Mortiboy - Ballet
Ella Jenkinson - Tap
Ellie Barnes - Lyrical
Farrah Palmer - Tap
Grace Wilson - Lyrical
Imogen Jenkinson - Tap
Jorgia Downing - Lyrical
Layla James - Modern
Lilly-May Tunnicliffe - Modern
Lilly McIntyre - Song & Dance
Melody Cunningham - Song & Dance
Sophie Currie - Lyrical
Victoria Haywood - Song & Dance
Victoria Haywood - Tap
Demi Stringer/Layla James - Tap
Demi Stringer/Layla James - Modern
Farrah Palmer/Lilly McIntyre - Song & Dance
Oliver Timberlake/Noah Peters - Modern
Tallulah Cross/Libby Garrett - Tap
Teyla-Skye Glover/Tara McIntyre - Modern
Yasmine Mortiboys/Fiona Hart - Modern
Fiona Hart/Melody Cunningham/Yasmine Mortiboys - Song & Dance
Issie Wood - Ballet - 1st
Mitchell Oram - Lyrical - 1st
Ellie Butterworth - Tap - 2nd
Kiera Wilkinson - Lyrical - 2nd
Tallulah Cross - Lyrical - 2nd
Evie Campbell - Song & Dance - 3rd
Tallulah Cross - Best Junior Award
Kiera Wilkinson - Best Inter Award
Mtchell Oram - Runner Up Inter Award
Earl Shilton Dance Festival June 2016:
1st Place
Issie Wood - Ballet
2nd Place
Issie Wood - Acro
Issie Wood - Lyrical
Mitchell Oram - Lyrical
Rebecca Higginson - Acro
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson/Grace Wilson - Modern
Russian Princess - Inter Classical Troupe
3rd Place
Issie Wood - Modern
Madeleine Salt - Acro
Mitchell Oram/Kiera Wilkinson - Modern
Yasmine Mortiboys/Fiona Hart - Modern