Child Protection Policy
Wendy Oram principal of Wendy Morton Academy has drawn up this policy in order to meet the requirements of the Children Act 1989, The Human Rights Act 1998, The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child (Ratified by the UK Govt. in 1991), The Protection of Children Act 1999, The Criminal Justice & Court Services Act 2000 and The Children Act 2004.
As well as promoting the child’s welfare and safeguarding guidelines recommended by: The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), ‘Safe from Harm’ Guidelines and Home Office Recommendations.
For the purpose of this policy document the term ‘child’ will be used to describe all young people under the age of 18 years participating in dance or other tuition at Wendy Morton Academy
The term ‘Staff’ shall be used to describe all those that are involved with classes at the Academy as either; Fully Registered Teachers, Pre-Registered Teachers, Free-lance Teachers, Student Teachers and helpers and Administrative Staff.
The Principal Wendy Oram is committed to creating a safe, understanding and encouraging environment in which the child can learn to Dance, Sing and Act.
The Staff recognise that it is a privilege to work with children and young people and that it is also a great responsibility.
Parents/Guardians trust the School to care for the child, give leadership and keep them safe.
Our Policy
The welfare of the child is paramount, regardless of his/her age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity. Any suspicions or allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
All Staff members have a responsibility to personally report their concerns to the School Principal, Mrs Wendy Oram
Policy Aims
To provide the child with appropriate safety and protection whilst attending classes rehearsals, workshops, summer-schools, open-days, productions and other performances.
It is our aim to recognise our ‘Duty of Care’ by adopting child protection guidelines through:
1. Ensuring that all Staff members are aware that the designated officers, responsible for child safety are Mrs Wendy Oram and Miss Lucy-Jayne Gilbody.
2. Ensuring that Staff members respond appropriately should abuse be discovered or disclosed and that any incidents are fully reported.
3. To ensure that Parents/Guardians are aware of our Policy and establishing clear procedures for complaints or concerns.
4. Providing effective management for Staff through supervision and support training.
5. Monitoring and reviewing our child protection Policy.
Parents/Guardians require.
Good Teaching Practice at Wendy Morton Academy
Children are the responsibility of Wendy Morton Academy during their class time only.
All Teaching Staff must hold current DBS disclosures and First Aid Certificates. These are displayed in the waiting area.
All Teaching Staff hold appropriate qualifications in their chosen field.
Staff members will ensure that appropriate steps are taken to ensure that the child is not at risk of injury, whether to their physical or mental wellbeing.
In the case of any physical injury, this will be recorded in the Accident book and the appropriate treatment given. Parents will be notified immediately.
Medicines will not be administered to a child without full, written permission from the Parent/Guardian.
Whenever possible, Wendy Morton Academy endeavours to ensure that more than one Staff member is present during classes for children.
Parents are not permitted in the studio during lesson time.
Wendy Morton Academy assures Parents/Guardians that suitable and adequate supervision is provided at all times.
At all times, Staff members shall provide an example of good conduct and be an excellent role model. This includes refraining from smoking, drinking alcohol or swearing in the company of children.
Staff members shall not make suggestive or derogatory remarks or gestures to or in front of a child.
Teaching Staff shall give enthusiastic and constructive feedback and not negative criticisms.
However, should the behaviour of a child become inappropriate – a Disciplinary Procedure is in place and Parents/Guardians will be informed of a re-occurring problem.
During a class, physical contact should occur for correctional purposes only.
Staff are aware, however, that it is possible to have actions misinterpreted no matter how well intentioned.